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What we do

Counting human activity in the great outdoors

Our outdoor people counting, bicycle counting, vehicle counters and small water going vessel counters provide vital data that empower our clients to make effective data driven decisions. Our eco-focused range of urban traffic counters enable the collection and centralisation of data without the need to provide localised power or to make manual data collections.

Our solutions are ultra-low powered; delivering a seamless interruption of count data for over 5 years on a single set of batteries

Knowing How We Use Our World

Who we do it with

the wwf rspb the national zsl wwt jersey defra falklands stand warwickshires broads river cotswolds
the wwf rspb the national zsl wwt jersey falklands stand warwickshires broads river cotswolds

Actionable Information Made Clear

Our counters provide information on the number and times your Recreational areas are used

  • Counting how many people visit your parks and recreation areas using hourly data.
  • Understand what entrances and exits are being used and when.
  • Know what days see most activity.
  • Gather data to understand if these areas are being used out of social hours.
  • Allocate resources to the areas in most need, using count data 
  • Provide clear people counting data to support funding

The introduction of footfall counters, vehicle and bicycle traffic counting, provides for a clear and concise understanding of the how, the when and number of visitors that interact with the facilities provided.

Automatic bicycle counting, vehicle counters and pedestrian counters make it possible to understand how these areas are being used and more importantly the data will support tender or grant funding

The people counter and Urban vehicle counter data is downloaded automatically utilising the GSM/Sigfox or LoRaWAN network, so there is no need to go to each site and manually collect.

All your footfall/cycle and traffic data sets are presented in the form of a personalised dashboard.  The data is represented in an easily understood format, with maps of counter, location and business area it belongs to.

Many of our solutions are ultra-low powered; requiring only a set of batteries to provide power in most cases beyond 5 years

Delivering better understanding on how Trails and Cycleways are utilised.

  • Counting how many people visit these nature trails, cycle routes and recreational areas throughout the day and at what times.
  • Understand what entrances and exits are being used most frequently and when.
  • Know on what days you see most activity in key areas.
  • Gather data to understand if these areas are being used out of social hours.
  • Understand and allocate resources to the areas in most need. 
  • Provide clear data to support grants & funding.

Data from our cycle counters, and pedestrian counters help answer many of the questions faced by rangers and management every day, in addition to providing an understanding of seasonal change.

Understanding The Numbers

The footfall counter and Urban vehicle counter data is downloaded automatically utilising the GSM/Sigfox or LoRaWAN network, so there is no need to go to each site and manually collect.

Many of our solutions are ultra-low powered; requiring only a set of batteries to provide power in most cases beyond 5 years

Vehicle Monitoring Made Simple

Our counters reveal how rural Carparks and greenways are utilised

  • By counting local traffic i.e. the number of vehicles and at what times of day delivers valuable information on when and how often these areas need to be patrolled.
  • Car counting helps you understand the when and if charges can or are beneficial to apply before costs and implications are involved.
  • Knowing if these areas are being used at times of day or night you would consider as antisocial can support closing or patrolling of these areas.
  • Carpark counting will enable your resources to be allocated to the right areas
  • The vehicle count data numbers help draw up a planned maintenance schedule?

The car park and vehicle count data will enable many questions to be answered

An automatic vehicle counter will make it possible to understand how these carparks and greenways are being used and more importantly the data will help support tender or grant funding. The solution can even alert via text any build-up of vehicles at unsociable times of the day

All your data is downloaded automatically utilising GSM/Sigfox or LoRaWAN network, so there is no need to go to each site and manually collect.  All your footfall/cycle and traffic data’s are presented in the form of a personalised dashboard.  The data is represented in an easily understood format, with maps of counter, location and business area it belongs to.

Many of our solutions are ultra-low powered; requiring only a set of batteries to provide power in most cases beyond 5 years

How We Work

We work closely with you to identify the most suitable locations that will allow you to achieve the best results. We will identify the hardware for the location and then either help you with your installation or manage it for you


What can we help you with?